How do the Scalabrinians serve migrants, refugees, and seafarers today?
Fr Fransiskus Xaverius Yangminta,c.s.

Methodology of Mission : Charity, Faith and Advocacy
“Where people are working and suffering, there is the Church because the Church is the mother, friend, and defender of the people and will always have a word of comfort, a smile, a blessing for them.”
-- Bishop Scalabrini, Italian Emigration in America, Piacenza, June 1887.
These words express Bishop Scalabrini’s motivation to be actively engaged in the migration phenomenon. In his footsteps, we, the Scalabrinians today, serve migrants, refugees and seafarers through the C-F-A Networks: Charity, Faith, and Advocacy.
Charity: Offering social services in shelters, cultural centres, schools, camps, nursing homes.
Faith: Establishing a dialogue with Local Ordinaries such as Bishops’ Conferences, building interethnic parishes and chaplaincies, and collaborating with other Christian Churches and other non-profit organisations as well as with other religious faith traditions.
Advocacy: Collaborating with policy makers and civil society organisations, organising national and international forums on migration issues, and building centres for migration studies and publications.